Saucier, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How safe is Saucier City? Listed below are the safest and most dangerous neighborhoods. Red areas represent the highest risk and yellow areas are moderately safe. The Crime Grade reflects the severity and type of crime in each neighborhood. A C grade means that Saucier is about as safe as the average US city. Its overall safety score is in the 46th percentile. Surrounding cities are generally safer than Saucier, but there are some exceptions.

The median property value in Saucier is $151,500, which is 0.63 times lower than the national average. There are more than half of the population living in a single-family home, and the homeownership rate is 60.1%, lower than the national average. The average commute time is 27.5 minutes, which is much faster than the national average. There are also more cars per household than in the rest of the US, with an average of three vehicles.

The population of Saucier is largely aging, and the town will probably eventually be replaced by the city of Gulfport. The town began as a small settlement in 1848 by Pierre Phillip Saucier. He and his wife, Martha Ann Moore, eventually established the town, which was incorporated in 1907.