Sherard, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you curious to know the Population & Steets of Sherard City, MS? If so, you've come to the right place. We've included a brief overview of the city. Here's a breakdown of the population of each neighborhood within 75 miles of Sherard, MS. These statistics can be helpful for anyone planning a vacation, or simply for those who want to explore the area.

If you have a family, Matherville - Sherrard is a great place to live. You'll find many other families with children in the area, as well. The community has good schools, a high percentage of college-educated residents, and a low rate of unemployment. Its high percentage of owner-occupied single-family homes reflects the overall stability of the community.

The Census Bureau has published information about the population and steets of Sherard, IL. In 2020, the village is estimated to have a population of 692. The school district there is home to the Sherrard Tigers. There are 271 households in Sherrard, and the majority of the residents are White. The next largest groups are Black and Two+ (Hispanic). Lastly, 5.5% of the residents identify as Hispanic.