Vossburg, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population and steets of Vossburg City? The following table will give you an overview of the city's population and crime rate. You can also compare this information to the crime rates of other similar cities. The data in the table below shows that Vossburg is generally less safe than cities nearby in terms of property crime. Compared to nearby cities of similar population, Vossburg is less safe than other similar cities when it comes to property crime.

The following table shows the population and steets of Vossburg, MS. This city is located in Jasper County. It has a population of 210 people and a median household income of $90,000, according to the 2010 census. Jasper County is in the Central time zone and is in UTC -6 hours. While Vossburg, MS is relatively safe for tourists, it does have a high crime rate compared to other Mississippi cities.

The chart below shows the racial makeup of Vossburg by area. The racial makeup of the city is based on the self-identified racial majority of the population. The darker the shade, the larger the racial majority. The third column shows the racial diversity of the city, as determined by the National Digital Newspaper Program. Green areas show more diversity than red areas.