Walthall, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The city of Walthall, MS is located in the state of Mississippi. Its population is approximately 120 people, which is 0.746 times smaller than the national average. There are approximately 11 foreign-born residents in Walthall, MS, and 100% of the citizens are U.S. citizens. Additionally, there are 0% of the residents who are Hispanic. The median property value in Walthall, MS is $81,000, up from $7,600 in 2009.

The median income for households in Walthall, MS is N/A. This number is the same as the average income for households in the United States, which is $65,712. The median income in Walthall City, MS is below the federal poverty level. This figure also reflects a decrease in the percentage of families living in poverty in the city over time. The highest paying jobs in Walthall are in the education, legal, community service, arts, and media fields.

In Walthall, MS, households pay a high percentage of property taxes, generating a median income of $800. Homeownership in Walthall City is relatively high, at 86.4%, compared to 64.1% of the population nationwide. In Walthall City, MS, a large percentage of households are homeowners, which is higher than the national average. This indicates that Walthall residents pay a high proportion of property taxes.