Are you looking for information on the Population & Steets in Way side City? Have you ever wondered what it is like living in this town? The population of Wayside, NJ is approximately 7600. The city is located in Washington County. The ZIP code for this area is 38780. It is considered a Lower Class zip code by the USPS. The unemployment rate in this zip code is 6.7%, higher than the state average of 4.4% and the national average of 3.6%.
The average commute time for people living in N Wayside Dr / Locksley Rd is between thirty and forty-five minutes. About 38.3% of people living in this area commute thirty to forty-five minutes. Those who commute fifty-five minutes or more to work usually take public transportation. It is also important to note that the walk score for this area is higher. The neighborhood is not as walkable as South Wayside.
A good neighborhood in Wayside City is one where people are friendly. There is a good mix of racial and ethnic groups, with about thirty percent of residents being Mexican. In addition, 14.3% of the population is foreign born. The population of this town is approximately 70 years old. The median income is $22,600. The average income in this neighborhood is $43,000. The median home price in this neighborhood is $290,000.