West, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

How can you tell if a place has high populations? You can easily check the Population & Steets in West City by looking at its median household income. The median household income in West City, IL is $42,125, which is higher than the state's average of $42,502. The chart below shows the percentage of households that commuting by different modes of transportation. It also shows how much of a share of the population rides public transportation, which is surprisingly large.

According to the United States Census Bureau, West City has a population of 626 people, and is adjacent to Benton to the west. Its median home value is $72,600 and has appreciated 1.2% in the past decade. As of 2010, there were 6 taverns and nightclubs in West City, which helped to fund the area. During the 1940s, nightlife was the main source of income for many people in West City.

Another section of the city is the Olive Business District. This district is a hub for commercial activity and is located off of Olive Boulevard. The area is home to ethnic grocery stores and small professional offices. There are also a few restaurants in the area. It's accessible from other business areas and is within walking distance of many residents. Additionally, it is close to auto repair shops. There is an extensive selection of retail and restaurant spaces in West City.