Ash Grove, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Using the latest census data, you can see what the population of Ash Grove City is like today. The following chart shows the number of people who live in Ash Grove and work in different industries. Ash Grove, MO is home to 620 people who work in six industries, the most common of which are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, Retail Trade, and Information. As for the median household income, it is $34,625, or -13.2% less than the United States average of $65,712 or $39875. Compared to neighboring and parent geographies, Ash Grove, MO has the lowest median annual income.

The median age for all residents of Ash Grove, MO is 43 years old. This number includes both foreign and native-born residents. While the average citizen is 41 years old, the number of foreign-born residents is higher, at 48. Among the foreign-born population, Mexico was the natal country for 41,981 residents. In addition, India and China both have a population of over 20 thousand people.

The unemployment rate in Ash Grove is 2.2%. This rate is based on residents aged sixteen years or older. Ten percent of the population is employed in government jobs. The median household income in Ash Grove is $34,625. The average home price is $165,200. Most residents are employed, with 51.6% of residents in the labor force. Ash Grove is home to the Ash Grove Portland Lime and Cement Company, a huge and well-known company.