Before you relocate to Augusta City, you should know some basic facts about the city. For starters, you should know the median household income in Augusta City. It is $48,958. Moreover, it has a low poverty rate of 1.04%. The following table provides demographics and housing statistics about Augusta. You can also find out how much the average monthly rent is in Augusta City.
Augusta is located in Columbia County, Georgia. The population was estimated at 18,899 in 2020. The city holds general elections for mayor and city council on November 8, 2022. The city will hold additional municipal elections on September 3, 2021. In addition, there are also elections for school board members in Augusta. In these general elections, you can elect your school board members, city police officers, and other city officials.
The city of Augusta is the principal city of the Augusta-Richmond County Metropolitan Statistical Area. The city has a population of 580,270. It is the third largest city in Georgia and the second largest metropolitan area in the state. Augusta is home to several major industries. In Augusta-Richmond County, GA-SC, the largest industry is Health Care & Social Assistance.