Auxvasse, Missouri, is a town in Missouri, United States. The population is approximately 1,298 residents. The median household income is $35,875 and the percentage of the population that is classified as poor is 3.0%. The population is diverse, with many different ethnic groups living in the town. The area is home to many different types of businesses. If you'd like to know more about the community, consider exploring the city's demographics.
The population of Auxvasse is composed of 1,078 people of various races. About 0.7% of its residents identify as Black, 0.3% are Asian, 13.7% are Hispanic or Latino, and 0.0% are Pacific Islanders. The remaining eighty-three percent of its residents are white. Another 0.3% of the population is mixed-race. The town's official language is English.
The rent burden is a measure of how much of a household's income is spent on rental housing. This measure is useful for evaluating whether a city is affordable to residents. Auxvasse's rent burden is higher than Missouri's average of 29.4%, but neighboring cities such as Boonville, California, and Boonville have lower rent burdens. Nonetheless, a large percentage of residents in Auxvasse are renters.
Auxvasse City is home to a few businesses, including Baumgartner's Furniture Store, Kingdom Telephone Company, Maupin Funeral Home, and One Stop Custom. The northern end of the town is home to Foster Brothers Wood Products, while the southern section is home to R&R Processing. The town is also home to Old Loafers Week, which unites farmers during the winter window between harvest and planting. The event is sponsored by the Auxvasse Lions Club, which hosts various fundraisers and community programs.