When you're considering moving to Ballwin City, Missouri, you might be wondering: What are the population and st eets like? There are several things to consider when deciding whether to move to this charming city. The overall crime rate in Ballwin is low, at only 3.5 percent. House values are above average, with median rent costs of $1,138 per month. And if you're looking for a place to raise your children, the school system in Ballwin City provides the kind of education and skills they need to thrive.
The area is home to approximately 30,252 people. This number is above the national average, with a density of 3,300 per square mile. The median age for residents is 42, and the median household income is $98,750, about 1.5 times the Missouri average of $55,461. Although the population of Ballwin City is largely Caucasian, it does have a small Hispanic and Asian community. The gender ratio is slightly skewed towards women, with 53% of the population being female.
Unlike most other Missouri cities, Ballwin has a unique name and spelling. The name comes from a town founder named Ballwin. The city was founded by John Ball, the son of James Ball, who came to America from Ireland in 1803. He served in the 4th and 8th Virginia Regiments during the Revolutionary War. He later received a military land warrant in Kentucky, and was a friend of Daniel Boone.