Population and Steets in Barnhart City are important statistics that you should know when planning a move to this area. The town is small in size and has an average population of just under 300 people. You may want to consider this city if you're considering moving to a different part of Missouri. The demographics of Barnhart City are great for determining whether you'll feel comfortable living here. The city's residents are generally friendly and the population is comprised of 92% owner-occupied residences. The average household size in Barnhart City is three people. The area's convenience to amenities and local community can influence your decision.
The percentage of non-citizens is a good indicator of the number of immigrants in Barnhart. The city has a large number of Vietnam veterans. The rate of evictions is also high, with nine evictions reported in 2016.
The median income in Barnhart is $66,438 for a household. The poverty rate in Barnhart is 12.2 percent. The city's median household income is $66,438. The median income of the town is $54,857, which is more than the national average. Barnhart has a lower than average rate of unemployment. The population of the town is also younger than average. Barnhart is a less popular place to move to than nearby towns in Jefferson County.
The town grew as a railroad reached the area. By the 1880s, Barnhart was a bustling cattle town. Three trail drives a day passed through the town. At one point, seventy-five cattle cars hauled West Texas livestock to distant markets. Barnhart's prosperity did not come without its share of problems. Its postmaster was convicted of converting funds for personal gain and was jailed. The town's law and order were poor.