If you're looking for the population and steets of Belton City, Kentucky, you've come to the right place. This city has less than half the population of Texas, but you can still expect a large, diverse community. The population is largely comprised of white people. Only about 0.1% of the population is black or Asian, and just 1.8% is Hispanic. In terms of economics, the median household income is $30,192, and the average household income is $37,718. The high school graduation rate is 66%, so you'll need to market to this group of people.
The population of Belton is made up of singles and married couples. The percentage of single people in the city is 59%, which is significantly higher than the state average of 49%. The median household size is 3.7, which is considerably larger than that of most cities. With this, it's important to realize that Belton's economy is growing at a rapid rate, so you'll have plenty of opportunity for employment in the area.
The first merchants in Belton City were Joe Townsend and A. T. McCorcle. Other merchants who opened businesses in the early part of the 1880s included W. H. Tichenal, who operated a saloon under a tree east of Main Street. The post office was established as Nolanville in October 1850, and the town was incorporated in December 1851. The city was named after Bell County and became a county seat. The community experienced a devastating flood in 1913, but continued to prosper until the 1930s. Falling cotton prices and the Great Depression forced many businesses to close their doors.