The population of Bendavis City is around 5,300 people. Its median age is twenty-five. Its population is primarily male, with a ratio of ninety-one men per hundred females. Its median income is approximately $48,000. The median household size is $17,448. As for its overall health, it has a low crime rate. Its schools rank low.
Ben Davis is six miles west of Monument Circle, and is bounded by Rockville Road to the north and Minnesota Street on the south. It is also bounded by the CSX Railway west of Girl School Road. Since 2017, Ben Davis is governed by a village alliance. It was originally a hamlet named after Benjamin Davis, a railroad engineer. The railroad station was built in 1869, and the city was incorporated in the 1970s as a conservancy district.
The population of ZIP code 46214 is primarily white. There are very few single adults and families, and the percentage of children under 18 is high. However, it is important to note that the city is home to one or more nursing homes and correctional facilities. The census indicates that there are at least two correctional facilities and five nursing homes in the city. These facilities are important for the community's health.
The main campus of the University of California is located in Davis. This campus is home to 38,369 undergraduates in the fall of 2019. Its population plays a major role in social life. A college town like Davis has a vibrant student culture. The community has many parks, bike lanes, and green spaces. It is also home to the University of California, Davis. The university's main campus is located in the south of the city.