Listed below are the Population & Steets in Bernie. These are the basic statistics that tell you the general demographics of the area. For example, in the 2010 Census, there were 10,393 households, 31.8% of which had children under the age of 18 living in them. The majority of the households, though, are made up of married couples. Another twenty-one percent of the households are made up of single individuals. Lastly, 9.3% of all households included a person over the age of 65. The average family size in Bernie City was 2.92 people.
Bernie, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More
- Barry Dean Dill
- Emily Brooke Darnell
- Barbara L Yarbrough
- Marilyn Irene York
- Roy Melvin York
- Kelly Lynn York
- Charlotte Ann Yates
- Gerald L Yates
- Gerald Lee Yates
- Gerald Lee Yates
- Earl Duane Yates
- Gregory Emerson Yates
- Jessie M Dobbs
- M Dobbs
- Sarah Yang
- Leroy Travis Young
- Bertha Hernandez Young
- Judith Aneice Young
- Terry Ann Draper
- Shirley Joyce Timberlake