Bertrand, NE is located in Nebraska. Bertrand is located close to the city of Omaha. There are also other cities within 186 miles of Bertrand. Here is the population and steets of Bertrand. The population of Bertrand is estimated to be 51% unemployed.
The Bertrand city municipality has a population of 4,599 people. The median home price in Bertrand is $77,600. Home appreciation has averaged 3.5% in the last 10 years. The city also offers many activities for residents. The Bertrand city government is dedicated to improving the quality of life in the town.
Bertrand is a city in Mississippi County. As a census-designated place, Bertrand has 747 residents. It is located at an elevation of 320 feet. The city has 1.2 police officers per 1,000 people. This is lower than the Missouri average of 1.6 police officers per thousand residents.
Bertrand City's population is quite diverse. There are 17.0% of the population that are under the age of 18. Another 13.0% are female householders without their husbands. The remaining population is made up of individuals aged 65 or older. The median age of the population is 46 years. The city has a 45:54 gender split.
Bertrand / Queen City real estate consists mostly of small and medium sized single-family homes, as well as apartment complexes and high-rise apartment buildings. Many of the apartments are owner-occupied.