Do you know the population and steets of Bismarck City? If so, you may be wondering how the area compares to the state average. This is a useful tool for understanding the area's economic situation. The poverty rate is an indicator of the percentage of the population with income below the poverty line. The lower the number, the better, as the lower the poverty rate is the more prosperous the society is. Bismarck's poverty rate is six percent, and Fort Pierre's is six percent. North Dakota's poverty rate is seven percent.
In 1873, Bismarck was renamed after the first chancellor of the German Empire. The Germans had previously invested in American railroads and were hoping to do the same with the financially struggling Northern Pacific. In 1874, the city organized its first church service. A distinguished citizen named Linda Warfel Slaughter was instrumental in establishing Bismarck's first school and Ladies Historical Society. After Bismarck became a thriving steamboat port, it became the western terminus of the Northern Pacific Railway.
The city began slowly as federal offices moved there. During this time, Bismarck became a hub for shipping wheat to Minneapolis. It also had several grain elevators, flour mills, and creameries. It was home to the Oscar H. Will Company, which specialized in seed corn and hardy drought-resistant plants. Today, Bismarck is home to the state's largest industrial complex, Bismarck Global Center.