Demographics in Blairstown include citizenship, ancestry, and country of birth. Although the largest percentage of Blairstown residents report White ancestry, it's important to note that people from other countries are also represented, with significant concentrations in the West and the South. Fortunately, this diversity reflects the diverse population of Blairstown. Listed below are the main ethnic groups in Blairstown.
The population of Blairstown is just 17.5% smaller than the state of Iowa. The population of Blairstown is composed of a mixture of singles and married people. The city's aging population is age-related, with an average age of 44. However, the median age is only 22. This means that people are living longer. Blairstown has a higher number of singles than the average American city.
The population of Blairstown City is 5,967 as of the 2010 census, up by 220 from the 1990 and 2000 censuses. It was formerly called Smith's Mill, but it was later renamed Butts Bridge, after the family that owned the Butts Bridge. In addition, the population of Blairstown has a higher-than-average percentage of farmers.
The poverty rate in Blairstown City is 14.2%. This is higher than the state average of 27.5%, but much lower than neighboring cities like Barnes City and Waterloo. Blairstown City's rent burden is higher than the state average. Compared to nearby cities, Blairstown has a higher percentage of renter-occupied housing units than neighboring cities. It's important to note that evictions in Blairstown are rare, but a higher percentage indicates that residents are comfortable living in their homes.