If you are planning a visit to Bogard City, MO, you might want to know more about the local population and steets. To find out more about this city, check out the following information:
In the United States, the population of Bogard is approximately 3,376. The median age was 45.5. There were 18.9% of the population under the age of eighteen, 4.7% were 18-24, 26.8% were between 25 and 44, and 27.4% were 45-64. Twenty-nine percent of the population were over the age of 65. The median age was 41. Bogard City's population was primarily male, with 47.0% males and 53.0% females.
QuickFacts statistics are available for all states, counties, and cities of at least five thousand residents. However, the statistics are not comparable to other geographic levels because of differences in methodology and sampling errors. To check the accuracy of the estimates, click the Quick Info icon located to the left of each row in TABLE view. This will provide more information about the sampling error. Unless otherwise noted, vintage years are the last year of the series.