You may be wondering how to find the Population & Steets in Brayer City, MO. Here are some facts that will help you find this information. You can find out where other nearby towns are. These nearby towns are often useful if you want to plan a trip or explore the local area. You can also find cities located within 100 miles of Braymer, MO. To find the population of these nearby cities, look at the table below.
In 2018, 100% of the people living in Braymer, MO were US citizens. This is higher than the national average. However, the population of Vietnam veterans is high. This is a sign of a community's history and pride. There are many military veterans living in Braymer, MO. The population is diverse and varied. In fact, many people are proud to say they grew up in this town.
In the city, there are a total of 341 households, with an estimated 1.1 million people. In 2017, the number of evictions in Braymer is lower than in its neighboring cities. But, the city has more people than Plattsburg and Lawson. You can find the population of Braymer through census data. There are four churches and a high school for AA students.
According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has 660 people living in the town. The median age of the people living in Braymer is 48. The median income of the people in Braymer is $47,667, a slight increase from the previous year's figure of $36,563.