If you are thinking of relocating to Brookline Sta City, you may be wondering if there are any demographics statistics for the area. In Brookline, Massachusetts, the median age is 33.7 years old, and the median age of foreign-born residents is 40 years old. However, the overall age of the city is decreasing as residents are living longer. The median age of the city was 33.7 years old in 2018. The country of birth of Brookline residents was most common for those who were born in China, followed by the Dominican Republic and Brazil.
There are numerous statistics about poverty in Brookline, MA. The median home value is $681,900. The percentage of residents who are impoverished is low, and the median income is $3k and up. However, a large number of households pay property taxes that are significantly higher than the median income, and Brookline is no exception. There are upscale restaurants and bars in Brookline, which may be one reason why the city has such a high home value.
The city is home to several landmarks, including the Dutch House, which is one of only five buildings from the World's Columbian Exposition of 1893. Located within the city is the Country Club, the first private club in the United States devoted exclusively to outdoor sports. The Country Club is famous for its golf courses and has hosted the U.S. Open three times and the Ryder Cup Match once. Brookline is also home to the Puppet Showplace Theatre, one of the oldest puppet theaters in the country.