When comparing cities, you might want to know how many people belong to different races or ethnic groups. Butterfield City, Minnesota has one of the highest proportions of native and foreign-born residents in the US, with 33.2% of its citizens being foreign-born. Butterfield is also slightly larger than the national average of 13.5%. Among cities in the northeast, it ranks third, with a population of 8.4%.
You might find it useful to compare the number of married couples living in Butterfield City to the average for Darfur, Sudan. However, Butterfield is about three-fourths the size of Darfur. It is a good idea to keep this in mind when comparing cities in the vicinity of Butterfield City, MN. You may be surprised to see how close a small town is to a big city!
According to census data, the population of Butterfield is 470. The city is located in Barry County, Missouri and is in the Central Daylight Time Zone, which is six hours behind Coordinated Universal Time. Residents of Butterfield are more likely to own their homes than rent them, which gives the city a low-cost advantage in real estate. If you're considering moving to Butterfield City, it might be worth it to know more about the city's history and population.
While Butterfield is smaller than some of its neighboring cities, Minnesota is one of the least-urbanized in the state. The median age of residents is 50.9, and it's ranked third in the greater Butterfield region after St James, with a population of 4,414.