Camdenton, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Camdenton, Missouri, is currently 3,960. This city is located within the Township of Kiheka, a minor civil division of Camden County. This community is home to many group quarters, including nursing homes, college residence halls, military barracks, and correctional facilities. It is ranked 76th in the state for diversity. The wealthiest residents are those in the 75th percentile.

The map below shows crime rates for Camdenton. The red areas show areas that are more unsafe than others, and yellow areas are considered moderately safe. Crime rates are also shown by type. A grade of D means that a city is a bit more dangerous than average. Camdenton is in the 24th percentile for safety, meaning it is safer than the national average, but still higher than many surrounding areas.

Listed below are the population and steets in Camdenton, Missouri. Click on the map to learn more. Also, be sure to check the city's demographics and housing market data to determine whether or not this area is right for you. You'll be amazed at the diversity of this city. With its multi-ethnicity and cosmopolitan culture, Camdenton is a desirable place to live.

The Camdenton population is comprised of approximately 3700 residents. About fifty-seven percent of the population lives in private homes, with the rest residing in rental units. The city's high poverty rate is about 30.8%, with 18.3% of families living below the poverty line. This city also ranks highly in the area for earthquake activity, which is significantly higher than the state average. There are also a few historic earthquakes in the area.