The city of Campbell is located in the southwestern Santa Clara Valley. The city is bisected by Highway 85 and State Route 17. In the central part of the city, the historic downtown section is located just west of the railroad. The southwestern part of Campbell is known as San Tomas and is significantly different from the rest of the city in terms of the size of lots and housing styles. Today, there are over 10,000 residents in the city.
In Campbell, CA, the median age was 38.6 years old. This was a decrease from the previous year. While there were many foreign-born residents, the average age of all residents was 39 years old. The city is home to several veterans, including military personnel who served during the Vietnam War. While the city is a growing suburb, it is still a place where veterans can live comfortably. This data comes from reputable online and news sources.
In Campbell, CA, 79.9% of the workforce drove alone to work. Similarly, 5.78% of workers worked from home. Using a logarithmic scale on the y-axis, this chart shows how many households used each mode of transportation over the years. As you can see, there are large variations in smaller means of transportation, like car ownership. In the city, households were roughly divided into two buckets: one for non-families and one for families.