The population of Chula City, Arizona is roughly a quarter million. As of 1990, the city had a population of 135,163 people. This means that over 67 percent of the city's residents were white. Another twenty-nine percent were African American or Asian, and four percent were Native American. Of the city's total population, approximately 37 percent were Hispanic or Latino of any race.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 83.2% of Chula City workers commuted by car alone. Nineteen percent of the city's population carpooled and 5.52% worked from home. The chart below shows the percentage of households in Chula City using each method of transportation over the last decade. This chart uses a logarithmic scale on the y-axis to show changes over time in small means of transportation. The percentage of households using public transportation varies among different ethnic groups, but a large majority of residents commute by car.
Despite its diverse demographics, Chula City maintains a business atmosphere that encourages growth. Its small business community is a major contributor to the city's growth and serves as the city's economic engine. Chula Vista has a vibrant small business community, which includes Dai Nippon Printing. The city's booming business community has helped it become one of San Diego's fastest growing cities.