Are you curious about the Population & Steets of Clayton City, Indiana? Here's a brief look. The population of Clayton, Indiana is comprised of about 67,247 people. The majority of Clayton residents are white, although nearly one-third of the population is African-American. Other ethnic groups in Clayton include 0.7% of the 15-year-old population, 22.5% of those who have never married, and 17.8% of those who identify as Hispanic. Amongst the adults in Clayton, veterans make up 8.2% of the population.
The poverty rate is 1.36%. The median household income in Clayton is $25,203. The median house value is $771,400. The median age in Clayton is 45.3 years for males and 46.5 years for females. The median home price is $221,500, and the home appreciation rate is 10.1%. The median rent is $2,700 per month. While the median income is low, the number of children is high.
The number of renter-occupied housing units in Clayton City is relatively high. The number of such households is lower than that of neighboring cities, like Samson and Midway. The city has a lower rent burden than the state average of 30.5%, but is still higher than the median income for other cities in the area. Clayton's rent burden, for example, is lower than that of neighboring cities, such as Samson and Midway.
The Northmont City School District is the premier school district in the region. Several Clayton residents have been cast in supporting roles in this movie. Grizzly, released in 1975, was shot on location in Clayton and became the highest-grossing independent motion picture. That record remained until John Carpenter's Halloween in 1978. These are just some of the highlights of Clayton, Ohio. Make Clayton your new home!