Clifton Hill, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're a resident of Clifton Hills, TN, then you might be wondering what the population and steets are. The following table will give you a quick overview of the city. You can use this information to plan a trip or explore the city's surrounding towns. You can also find out what other cities are nearby by entering the "circumference" and "distance" criteria.

The estimated population of Clifton Hill is 109 as of the latest census. The population density is 3840 per square mile. The city is located in Randolph County and is home to the Clifton Hill School District. If you're interested in attending Clifton Hill City Schools, make sure you check out the school page, which has the name of the school and the address. You can also call the city's customer service line to speak to a representative.

The "Village of Clifton" was first established on a parcel of land owned by Captain Ogden Creighton. He began construction in 1832 and derived the city's name from a town in England. After Creighton's death in 1837, his wife sold the property to Samuel Zimmerman. The two eventually became partners in the construction of the Great Western Railroad and the first railway suspension bridge across the Niagara River Gorge.

The area is home to many low-rise office buildings and upscale malls. On the south side of Clifton Hill, you'll find the Oakes Garden Theatre. The Oakes family is responsible for a wide range of businesses in the city, including restaurants, retail outlets, and attractions. This is a city that is close to the Garden State Parkway. And it's located ten miles west of New York City.