Curryville, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Looking for the Population & Steets in Currysville City, Missouri? The following information will help you get the details you need. Curryville has a total population of 188 people. Compared to larger cities, the poverty rate in Curryville is significantly higher (29.5%) than it is in larger cities. In fact, the poverty rate in Curryville is higher than the national average for small towns.

The population of Curryville is mostly young, single, and looking to start a family. Its median age is 37 years old. There are about 3.1 people per family, making it a diverse community. This diversity ranks it above the national and state averages. There are no racial or ethnic groups that constitute a majority in Curryville. It is important to note that Census data is tied to a residential address.

Crime rates in Curryville are low when compared to surrounding areas. In contrast, the murder rate in the north is ten times higher than that of the northeast. While comparing crime rates in different neighborhoods isn't intuitive, the overall murder rate in Curryville is below the state average and the national average. That being said, it's still a safe place to live. But it's important to note that crime isn't unique to Curryville.

Another reason for the high murder rate per resident is the low number of retail establishments. Despite the low number of retail businesses in Curryville, a high proportion of crimes are committed in the retail sector, which means that murders are more common in blocks with less people. This doesn't mean that Curryville residents are in greater danger, however. So, the murder rate per resident in Curryville City may appear high when compared to its neighbors.