Dardenne Prairie, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Dardenne Prairie is relatively small but the city has big dreams for the future, while still preserving the past. The community was a farming community until recently when it grew into a strong city with solid economic roots and an eye to the future. In recent years, several large corporations have opened stores in Dardenne Prairie, including JC Penney, Target, and Shop 'n Save. Also, local commercial plazas have sprung up.

The per capita income in Dardenne Prairie was $53,570 in 2018, which is relatively rich when compared to the rest of Missouri and the United States. This is equivalent to $214,280 for a family of four. Residents in Dardenne Prairie are from a variety of racial and ethnic groups, and report ranging from White to Black or African American, as well as Italian, German, and other ancestry.

The median age of people in Dardenne Prairie is 43.8 years old, which is about midpoint in the local area. The oldest people are in their sixties, while the youngest residents are twenty-five years old. Dardenne Prairie ranks #1 in the population of 30-39 year olds, while the most elderly residents are sixty-six or seventy-one. For example, Dardenne Prairie has a higher percentage of men than women.

The median age of residents in Dardenne Prairie City was 38 years. Twenty-nine percent of residents were under the age of 18, with 5% between 18-24. Twenty-five percent of residents were between 25-44 years old, and 26.2% were between forty-five and sixty-four years old. And nine percent of residents were over the age of 65. Interestingly, the gender makeup of the population was fifty-one percent male and fifty-one percent female.