If you are interested in knowing more about De Witt City, Missouri, then you've come to the right place. The following will give you a quick snapshot of the area's population and steets. You can also get some useful facts about De Witt City from the table below. This page also has the latest population and income statistics. You can also contact city hall through phone or email.
DeWitt, MI's median age is 39.2, which includes both native-born and foreign-born citizens. The poverty rate for the city was 2.77% for non-workers and 0.33% for full-time workers in 2019. The majority of non-workers in DeWitt, MI are in the Management Occupations job category. The highest percentage of residents in this job group were born in Mexico and other countries. In addition to this, there were also 80443 immigrants from other countries, including Mexican and Polish nationals.
The median age of DeWitt, MI residents was 39.7 years. The most common age group was White (non-Hispanic). One-fifth of the population was under the age of eighteen. A fourth of the population was between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-seven percent of all households were non-families, while a fifth of the population was 65 years and older.
The City Center / East DeWitt neighborhood of DeWitt is a predominantly middle-income neighborhood. It is higher than the median income of 79.8% of the United States. Despite its low vacancy rate, the neighborhood has a unique feeling to it. There are several factors that make this neighborhood such a great place for families. Listed below are the neighborhood's demographics, including its vacancy rate and zoning.