According to the 2010 US Census, the population of Dearborn was 98,153. Eighty-one percent of the residents are white, while four percent are African American. The population also includes 0.2% Native Americans and 1.7% Asians. Thirty-two percent are Hispanic or Latino. The population also includes individuals of Arab ancestry.
The racial divide in Dearborn City dates back to the early 1940s, according to historian James W. Loewen, who wrote about the city in "Sundown Towns," a book on the history of predominantly White communities that practice racial segregation. This segregation is often enforced by discriminatory local laws and intimidation. In Dearborn, for instance, the racist culture and low Black population discouraged African Americans from moving into the city.
The Arab-American population began to grow in Dearborn in the 1920s, following the opening of the Rouge car factory. Arab immigrants from Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and Iraq came to the city to work in the auto industry. In the years since, Dearborn has become an important Arab American community. Its Arabic restaurants have become popular with visitors, and the Arab-American community continues to thrive.
The city incorporated on March 24, 1893. It was originally called Dearbornville, and the post office changed to Dearborn in the 1920s. The city's first mayor was Clyde Ford. The city's population grows with the development of the Ford Motor Company. In 1893, the city's first airport hotel opened in the form of the Dearborn Inn. In 1846, the Ford Hunger March crossed the city's limits, and four marchers were killed by Ford servicemen.