If you're looking for the population and steets of a particular city, you can easily find them using a simple search engine. There are several cities located within 92 miles of Diggins City. Some of these cities are larger, while others are smaller. Listed below are some of the closest cities to Diggins City, MO. Find out more information about each city by reading our descriptions.
The population of Diggins is about 270. It has a median age of 52.3 years. The median household income in the city is $44,422. There are no foreign-born residents in the city. The poverty rate in the city is 4.46%. The median rent in the city is $610 per month. The median house value is $85,000, and the median age of residents is 52.3 years. The median age of males is 43.6 years, while females are 52.8 years old.
The median property value in Diggins, MO is $84,000, which is 0.349 times smaller than the national average. The median home value in the city decreased from $86,300 to $84,000, or 2.67% from 2010 to 2019. Residents in Diggins, MO own their homes, with an average of 85.7% of households own their homes. The average commute time is 29 minutes. Most people in Diggins, MO drive alone to work. The average number of households own two vehicles, which is about the national average.