What is the Population & Steets of East Lynne City? This article will discuss the city's demographics and the percentage of residents who are foreign born. East Lynne City is located in the Township of Camp Branch, a minor civil division of Cass County, Missouri. The diversity index is a measurement of racial and ethnic diversity, and is based on data from the U.S. Census Bureau.
The population of East Lynne is 304 as of the 2010 Census, and is located in Cass County. The city has a population density of 31.2 people per square mile. Its elevation is 850 feet, and its zip code is 816. It has a median household income of $41,250. The city has about 37,000 housing units, with 50% being owned and 49% rented.
The City has a median age of 34. The population is divided into three categories: those under the age of eighteen, those between 18 and 24, and those over 65. There are also households with one or two adult children. The median age is 34, and males outnumber females by 107:1.
The population of East Lynne, MO is divided into buckets based on car ownership. The largest percentage of households has two cars. False is the second most common type of car. The unemployment rate is 23% in East Lynne, MO. The state is home to a large number of military personnel who served in the Gulf War (2001-).