Population & Steets in Elvines City, Missouri: What is the population? The city was first named Elvinsville, after the former owners Jesse M. and Telma Elvins. The population of Elvins was 2403 in 1930. Among the elected city officials were Bill Hubbard, Harry Berryman, Ed Crouch, August Cook, and Marion Polk. Other elected city officials were Grove Cooksey and Adolph Gettinger.
What cities are nearby West Elvins, MO? The nearest big cities are usually about 53 miles away. If you plan to drive from West Elvins, MO, you can search for the nearest major city. If you have to fly farther, you can try looking for cities four hours away. Alternatively, you can look for smaller cities. Using Google maps, you can also get the exact location of the nearest major airport.