In terms of race and ethnicity, the people of Eolia are mostly white, with only a small percentage of people of black and native american heritage. In terms of economics, the city's median household income is $39,554, while its poverty rate is 1.43 percent. For the area's population, the most common occupations are construction and extraction, health care and social assistance, and retail trade.
The Census also provides data on renter-occupied housing units, which shows how much of a household's income is spent on rent. Rent burden is an indicator of housing affordability in a city, and the rate in Eolia, MO is slightly higher than that of neighboring cities such as Augusta, Foley, and Troy. In terms of homeownership, residents in Eolia are more likely to own their homes, with 76.2% of the housing units being occupied by renters.
In terms of age, the median age in Eolia City was 26.2 years. There were a total of 6,514 households. Of those, twenty-two percent of households had children under the age of 18 living with them. Twenty-four percent were married couples, while twenty-one percent were single women. Forty-seven percent were non-families, and 15.1% were seniors. The median age was 28 years old, and males outnumbered females by 112.1 to one.