For the purpose of this article, we will look at Fair Grove's Population & Steets. Fair Grove is a small city located in southern Missouri. There are currently 9 cities within Greene County. Fair Grove has a population density that is below the state and national average. Springfield and Strafford both have higher population densities. You can learn more about Fair Grove's population by visiting their websites.
Fair Grove, MO is home to approximately 1.37k people, with a majority being White. The next most common ethnic group is Two+ (Hispanic). Fair Grove has 46 hispanic residents, making up 3.21% of the total population. Fair Grove, MO is just a tiny slice of Missouri's average size. There are fewer foreign-born residents in Fair Grove, though.
Depending on the time of year, the population of Fair Grove City may double or triple. Residents turned their yards into parking lots, and the main entrances were Park and Grant Avenue. The amount of gas purchased by winners could be determined by gas prices. The losers would purchase 25-50 cents of gas just to get home. Fortunately, there are many places to stay in Fair Grove. However, there is a downside to all that extra spending.
The population of Fair Grove, MO is approximately 1.43k people. It has a median household income of $56,895, which is less than half of the national average. The city's biggest industries are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industries in Fair Grove are Public Administration and Finance & Real Estate & Rental - Leasing. You can also see Fair Grove's racial makeup below.