Do you want to know the Population & Steets in Falcon? If so, you've come to the right place. Falcon is home to 226 residents and the median household income is $44,375. You can also find out the eviction rates for this city by reading our Falcon, Minnesota poverty report. This report will help you determine whether or not Falcon is a good place to relocate.
The city has a population of 5,321 and is home to 2,196 households. Growth has been relatively slow since 1960. There are 19 multi-family buildings, totaling 703 units. Falcon Heights covers an area of over 1,400 acres. Nearly half of this land is owned by the University of Minnesota. In addition, there is significant agricultural land within the city limits. A community garden is located near Roselawn and Cleveland streets.
The city has a good tree canopy, and has good tree cover, providing shade to homes and a pleasant scenic view of the streets. This community was fortunate to get a grant from the Department of Natural Resources to plant more trees. The city replaced all of its Ash trees with new ones. However, many of these new trees are not yet fully grown. Because of this, it will take some time for them to grow. The trees in the forest are Honey Locus, Northern Hackberry, and a variety of Maple.
Despite these problems, the city has maintained a strong budget. It shares services with other entities. Its population is highly educated, and major employment centers are located within its boundaries. However, future economic crises may compromise the stability of the city's operations. Moreover, nearly 500 of its citizens live below the poverty line, making emergency communications protocol a difficult task. If this continues, it will be impossible to maintain the same quality of services and infrastructure.