The current population of Farley, IA is 972 people. The median property value in this city is $160,500. This is higher than the national median of $65,712. In the past year, the median property value in Farley, IA increased by 1.42%. The median household income in Farley, IA is $26,847, making it slightly higher than the national average. The median racial or ethnic group living below the poverty line in Farley, IA is White, while the highest income earned by the average female resident is Black.
The population of Farley City was 1,766 at the time of the 2020 census. It is part of the Dubuque, Iowa, Metropolitan Statistical Area. The population was ranked sixth in the state of Iowa at that time. Farley is home to the 3/8-mile dirt track 300 Raceway. This racetrack is the third-largest in the state of Iowa. Farley has a strong religious community. The city is home to Seton Catholic School with three locations. There are elementary schools for grades 1-2, Peosta building for grades 3-5, and Farley building for grades 6-8. High school students in Farley attend Beckman High School in Dyersville, or Wahlert High School in Dubuque.
The median age of the population in Farley City, IA was 33.8 years. It is also home to a high percentage of families with children, with 29.7% of households containing a female householder living alone without a husband. Twenty-three percent of households were non-families. Twenty-three percent of households were made up of individuals, and 12.4% had an individual 65 years and older. The median household size was 2.71 people.