The Population & Steets in Farmington City are presented below. The map shows the population density by street address and neighborhood. Farmington is located in southwest Michigan. The city's population is approximately 77,580. The area is a mix of residential and commercial properties. In terms of demographics, Farmington is a very progressive community. In the past, Farmington had few large-scale development projects. In the last decade, there have been many major renovations to downtown Farmington.
The Census Bureau uses racial and ethnic groups to determine the poverty level in each community. The percentage of the population that is Hispanic or foreign-born is below the state average. The city has 111 pilots and 72 airmen, and 51 patent applications between 2008 and 2022. There are many large companies in Farmington, and the city is home to several prominent military families and a growing tech industry.
The population of Farmington has increased from about five thousand in the 1950s to more than thirty-five thousand today. The city is located near Lake St. Clair and the Detroit River. The city has developed into a center for health, education, tourism, and commercial services. It lies on the confluence of three rivers, including the Animas and the Detroit River. Approximately 40% of New Mexico's surface water is carried through the Animas River.
The median property value of a home in Farmington, UT is $386,500, a slight increase from last year's $365,900. The area's homeownership rate is eighty-one percent, higher than the national average of sixty-four percent. Almost ninety-nine percent of the population is on employer-sponsored health plans, with an average of $21.9 minutes to work. Just over one-quarter of residents drive to work alone. The median property value is $386,500, which is equal to the national average of two cars.