Population & Steets in Freeberg City are an essential part of understanding the town. The following statistics will give you a glimpse of the city's demographics. You can also view the top employers in the city, as well as the most popular places to live. The information below will help you understand how the town is growing. To learn more about Freeburg City, read our Population & Steets report.
The city is home to approximately 4,226 residents. Freeburg has an overall median household income of $76,786. Its poverty rate is 1.3%, a lower number than many other places in the state. This data will allow you to determine if the area is affordable. The median age in Freeburg is 42.1 years old, higher than the US average of 37.4 years. Freeburg's median household size is 2.5 persons, smaller than the average US household size of 2.6.
The Freeburg / Maximo neighborhood has the highest percentage of Swiss and Croatian ancestry among its residents. This neighborhood is home to two public high schools and one private elementary school. The population of the Freeburg / Maximo neighborhood is comprised largely of Germans, although it is also home to people of Italian, Croatian, and English ancestry. The city is located in an urban area, so residents don't feel crowded.
The Freeburg area is home to the largest industrial park in the state, the Tri Township Park. It is located on about 190 acres of land on the south side of State Highway 162. The town also has large agricultural areas to the east and west of the city, with a concrete plant as the only building. The land north of State Highway 162 is largely rural. Some areas are home to large agricultural businesses.