Listed below is information regarding the Population & Steets in Greenvill City. This city is the economic, cultural, and educational hub of the area. If you're looking to make a career move or relocate, this city may be the place for you. Its diversity is evident in its diverse population. In addition to being diverse in race, the city also is very ethnically diverse. Those who call themselves "Greenvilleians" claim a variety of racial backgrounds. The predominant race reported by Greenville residents is White, while the rest are Black, Hispanic, and Asian. English is the most commonly spoken language in the city, although French and Spanish are also commonly spoken.
The Greenville County School District is the largest school district in the city, with over 70 thousand residents. This equates to a population density of 2,474 per square mile. The median age of residents is 34.1, lower than the US average of 37.4. The median household size is 2.2, which is slightly higher than the national average of 2.6. In terms of education, Greenville has an excellent public school system. There are several educational institutions in the city, including a university.
The Greenville metro area's population map indicates the racial composition of its residents. This map shows the self-identified racial majority of the population. Areas with a darker shade are generally more diverse. Additionally, the map includes information on racial diversity, including diversity scores. It's also important to note that Greenville has a low number of minorities, which is reflected in its lower overall population density.