The population and steets of Guilford City are estimated using data from the U.S. Census Bureau's 2020 American Community Survey. The data is updated as new data becomes available. The data are not guaranteed to be accurate or complete. For more detailed demographic information about Guilford City, NC, see the Guilford City, NC area profile. Population & Steets in Guilford City is a vital indicator of the community's health and well-being.
The current population of Guilford City is 2,649. The estimated 2020 population is 2,689. The city has a median rent of $1,339 per month and a median house value of $395,700. The median age of people in Guilford City is 52.4 years, including 50.1 percent of females and 51.4 percent of males. Currently, the median income is $42,200 per year, which is higher than the national median.
The new mayor, Goldie Wells, was appointed to the city council in 2017 after a former council member, Jamal Fox, resigned. He was instrumental in the founding of the Renaissance Community Co-op and helped close the White Street Landfill. He also supported the installation of a metal detector in the credit union, located between Family Dollar and Renaissance Community Co-op. Opponents said the metal detector reinforced stereotypes about commercial real estate.
For the Republican primary, Alvin Robinson is the only Black candidate. Robinson is the former county sheriff's deputy and worked as a firefighter. He recently invoked the religious exemption against the COVID-19 testing policies. In addition, Robinson is running as a proponent of a livable wage for education professionals and tiny houses communities. The Democrats' candidate, Amanda Cook, is a Democrat.