Demographic information is always helpful when making a decision about moving to a new city. Having a good idea of the population and the stats for Hallsville is essential when comparing places. Here is some information about crime rates and population in Hallsville. Listed below is a breakdown of crime rates in Hallsville by area. For more details, check the Hallsville city statistics. You can even see how many crimes occur in different areas of Hallsville.
Hallsville is located at the intersection of U.S. Highway 80 and Farm Road 450, about twelve miles west of Marshall, in southwestern Harrison County. In the 1870s, Hallsville was a railroad terminus that supported trade in cotton, hides, and wool. After the Texas and Pacific Railroad purchased the town in 1872, it experienced a decline in its western trade. The town's population, however, grew rapidly, with the opening of the Hallsville post office and Masonic Hall.
The population of Hallsville, TX has increased by 0.456% since the census, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Approximately 70.4% of the population works, and 34.6% have a bachelor's degree or higher. In Hallsville, TX, there are 31 businesses, with 5.1% of people working from home. The city is served by the Hallsville Independent School District.