Harviell is located on Missouri Route 158 approximately ten miles south of Poplar Bluff. This map shows the number of people of each race living in the city. Most of them live in the city center. Nearly 9% of the people live in rural areas. If you live in Harviell, you may be wondering about the percentages of people of each race. If you haven't yet visited the city, take a look at the maps below to find out more.
There are many cities and towns near Harviell, MO. These towns may be useful if you're planning a trip or just want to explore the area. Use these towns' proximity maps to find the nearest city. They will be listed below, with distances between them. If you're planning a trip, you can use this list to find the nearest cities. The list will include both large cities and small towns, making it easy to compare the distance between them and Harviell, MO.
The per capita income in Harviell is $0, which is very low when compared to the rest of Missouri and the nation. This translates to a $0 annual income for a family of four. The town has a highly diverse population, with approximately 0.99 percent of residents identifying as Native Hawaiian or American Indian (Hispanic). It is important to note that the most common language spoken in Harviell is Urdu.