Hayti Heights, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the Population & Steets in Haythi Heights City, MO? A list of the nearby towns is an excellent way to get a feel for the area. It is also helpful when you are booking flights or taking road trips. There is no need to live in Hayti Heights to take advantage of this list. It will tell you everything you need to know about the city.

How many households are in Hayti Heights? There are 557 residents. The median household income is $13,594. One-third of the adult population is a veteran. This is a sign of economic security. However, it is also an indicator of quality. Only 9.9% of the civilians are 18 years or younger. This number is higher than the national average for Missouri, which is 8.8%.

This information is based on the census-estimated population of Hayti Heights. The city is in Pemiscot County. The ZIP code 63851 is classified as Acceptable. This means that the name can be used for mailing purposes. Alternative names are also used for large neighborhoods or sections of a city. Depending on the zip code, multiple "acceptable" names are used to group towns and neighborhoods together.