Hurdland, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Whether you're planning to move to or just want to check out the area, you can easily find out the Population & Steets in Hurland City by using the map below. The map shows the closest major cities and towns to the area as well as smaller towns within driving distance. The distances between the two cities are given below. Use this information to plan your next trip to or from Hurdland City.

As for the demographics of the area, about 23% of the population is employed in service industries. Another 35% are employed in blue-collar positions, and the remaining 42% work in white-collar jobs. The median home value is $35,300, and the home appreciation over the last decade is 3.4%. For all the above, Hurdland City has a lot to offer.

Currently, there are 667 people living in Hurdland, Missouri. There are also 214 households in the city. The population of Hurdland is expected to decrease by -4.4% by 2020, according to the U.S. Postal Service. The majority of the population is white, but there are also a small number of Asian and Black residents. Listed below are some interesting facts about the people in Hurdland City, Missouri.