The population of Jerico Springs, Missouri is comprised of 236 residents from a variety of ethnic backgrounds. While less than one percent of residents identify as Black, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, American Indians or Alaska Native, or Pacific Islander, 98.0% of residents are white, and the rest are either of mixed race or belong to more than one race. Jerico Springs has a very diverse population.
In Jerico Springs, MO, the population is comprised of 232 residents, with a 7.0% decline since 2020. The median home value is $111,900, and the average appreciation of homes in the last decade has been 5.5%. For those who are thinking of moving to Jerico Springs, Radaris can help you find someone in Jerico Springs. By using Radaris, you can find anyone in Jerico Springs MO.
Jerico Springs was first settled by a Mormon named Edwin F. Wheelock in the fall of 1845. In 1850, Dr. Lyman says that an academy was established at the site. Jericho Academy was the main educational institution in the area, with classes numbering over 100 students. The academy's history is recorded in Part 5, Chapter 7 of this book. It was later displaced by a Presbyterian church.