The population of Keytesville is categorized as White, Black, and Native American. Its non-Hispanic residents consist of 332 White individuals, ten Black or African American individuals, and four Two+ people. Its Hispanic population is 0.288%. As a whole, Keytesville is considered a moderately diverse city. If you're interested in knowing more about the demographics of Keytesville, MO, read on to learn more.
The median age of the population was 46.4 years. Twenty-one percent of residents were under 18 years old, while 7.1% of adults were aged 25-44. Twenty-five percent of households were headed by a married couple, and forty-four percent were headed by a single individual. Twenty-five percent of households were made up of people who were 65 or older. The average household size was 2.96 individuals, and the ratio of males to females was 88.3.
Keytesville is governed by a mayor-council system. Voters elect two aldermen from the city's two wards and a mayor-at-large. In addition to a fire department, Keytesville is home to the Chariton County Sheriff's Department, which also has its headquarters in town. The city has two parks, one of which is a full-hookup campground.
The zip code for this Missouri city is 65261. This ZIP+4 code is part of the Chariton County. KEYTESVILLE city is the county seat. 660 is the area code. Its current unemployment rate is 2.1%, which is considerably lower than the state and national averages. The median house value is $48,500. The percentage of foreign-born residents is also below average.