The following information is provided to help you evaluate the population of Kingsville City. You can find the median age of residents and the percentage of people that are citizens of other countries. This information is presented as a guide only, and it should not be interpreted as legal or official. For further analysis, you can check the Wikipedia article about Kingsville to learn more. This article also contains useful information about the city's history and community.
As of 2010, the population of Kingsville City, TX was just over 30,000, making it about half the size of San Antonio. Its low percentage of foreign born citizens makes it difficult for foreigners to get a good education. However, the area is home to a large percentage of college-educated citizens. The school district for Kingsville is the Jubilee Academic Center, Kingsville Independent School District, Ricardo Independent School District, and Santa Gertrudis Independent School District. The city has sixteen different high schools and elementary schools.
The median property value in Kingsville, TX is $89,600 in 2019. This is 0.373 times smaller than the national average. Between 2018 and 2019, the median property value in Kingsville, TX increased by 4.67%. Kingsville's homeownership rate is 47.1%, lower than the national average of 64.8%. The average commute time is 18.6 minutes. On average, residents drive alone to work. The city has two cars per household, which is the same as the national average.