The US Census Bureau's latest statistics on population and steets in Kirksville City can be found below. The chart shows the percentage of households using cars, walking, and bicycles. The city has a total population of 18,614 people, and approximately 6,218 people commute by car. The rest of the population commutes by foot or bicycle. This data is based on the most recent census data from the US Census Bureau, and is not guaranteed to be accurate.
The population and steets in Kirksville City are just as important as the main street, Baltimore Street. The absence of sidewalks in the city limits is a particular challenge for individuals with mobility issues and senior citizens. Moreover, because Kirksville is home to a large percentage of the population, it is imperative that the city provide safe sidewalks to the public. Currently, people without sidewalks must walk in the street, which poses a safety risk for everyone.
The county seat of Adair County, Missouri, Kirksville has a population of 17,505. It is located within Benton Township and has a total area of 14.4 square miles. Kirksville is home to two universities: Truman State University and A.T. Still University. At present, the population of Kirksville is the 2,083rd largest in the US. The median age of Kirksville residents is 35.5.