Are you interested in finding out more information about Population & Steets in Knoxville City, Tennessee? In this article, you will learn about the city's growth and how its residents live. It also helps you to know what is the median home value in the city. There are two main statistics you can use to make a decision about moving to the city. First, you should know that the average home price is $43,300. As of 2010, home appreciation in Knox City has been 3.5%.
The population of Knox City is 1,119 at the 2010 census. It is a mostly residential area with a few industrial and commercial areas. It covers an area of 114 square kilometres and is served by the Eastlink tram line, Yarra Ranges Council, Burwood Highway, Mount Wellington Road, and the Belgrave railway line. There are several neighborhoods and public parks within the city, but most people choose to live in the residential area.
The median age of the city's population was 36.2 years. There were 7.1% of the population under the age of eighteen. A quarter of households were headed by married couples, with a further 25.7% headed by a female. The remainder was made up of individuals and non-families. The remaining 31.9% of households were non-families, with a single person making up the remainder. Senior citizens made up 20.2% of the population.